Urology News


Urinary bladder cancer

Urinary bladder cancer: Early detection through urine testing?
Researchers: Mortality rate can be reduced by early detection

A team of researchers from the University of Rochester, New York, investigated whether … bladder cancer screening in healthy men could lead to earlier detection of the disease and reduce mortality compared to men who were not screened.

Over 19 years, 1575 men underwent testing. Of these, 258 men were screened for blood in the urine (haematuria) and 28 of them (8.1 per cent) were found to have urinary bladder cancer. Compared to high-grade non-screened cancers, the regularly screened subjects did much better:

In them, only 10 percent of the high-grade tumours had affected the muscle wall of the urinary bladder, compared to 60 percent of the high-grade non-screened carcinomas. After 14 years of follow-up, none of the study participants had died.

Source: Cancer 2006;107:2173-2179
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